Our Septic & Grease Trap Services

Commercial & Residential Septic Pumping & Grease Trap Cleaning

Commercial Grease Trap Pumping

A properly functioning grease trap is essential for keeping your sewer system running smoothly. We offer grease trap pumping services to businesses in the Western Pennsylvania area.

Our experienced professionals will pump out your grease trap quickly and efficiently, so you can rest easy knowing your business is in good hands.

Commercial and Residential Septic Tank Pumping

If you’re like most people, the words “sewer tank pumping” probably don’t evoke thoughts of a fun day out. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Sly Sewer is here to make sewer tank pumping easy and hassle-free. We provide both residential and commercial sewer tank pumping services, so no matter what your needs are , we can help.

If you have a septic tank, it’s important to have it pumped regularly to keep it running smoothly.

Most people don’t think about their sewer tanks until there’s a problem. But if you wait until there’s a problem, it’s already too late. That’s why Sly Sewer offers regular maintenance services to keep your sewer tank in top condition. We’ll come out and pump your tank on a regular basis, so you can rest assured that it will always be in good working order.

Tank Probing

Septic tank probing is a process that is used to determine the level of solids in a septic tank. By taking a sample of the solids, it can be determined how often the tank needs to be pumped out. Septic tank probing is a quick and easy way to get this information, and it can help keep your septic system running smoothly.

Locating Septic Tanks

Septic tanks are usually located by following the waste water drainage from the house. A perforated pipe is buried underground leading from the house to the tank. Once the tank is located, a soil probe is used to measure the level of solids in order to determine how often the tank needs to be pumped out. Sly Sewer offers septic tank probing services to help you keep your septic system running smoothly.

Choose Sly Sewer for all of your Residential and Commercial Sewer Needs

There are many benefits to using Sly Sewer for all of your sewer needs.

  • We are a reliable and affordable company that offers high-quality services.
  • Our experienced team is always available to answer any questions you may have, and we’re committed to providing the best possible service.
  • We promise to exceed environmental standards to protect the Western Pennsylvania region and our community.

Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.